These guys have just been sitting on my desk and not getting painted for the longest time. I had a free afternoon yesterday (the last day of my mini vacation) so I sat down and painted them in between games of Starcraft 2.

(sorry for the bad picture, I'm moving in a few weeks and my room is a big mess)
My Khador army has been packed for my upcoming move along with most of my Trolls. I left out the Madrak and Grissel lists I've been playing with lately so look for more Trolls in the next few weeks.

(sorry for the bad picture, I'm moving in a few weeks and my room is a big mess)
Finishing these models was the last step in my completion of the Tale of Painters at Librarium Online (the 3rd one I've finished!). Here's the army I painted:
My Khador army has been packed for my upcoming move along with most of my Trolls. I left out the Madrak and Grissel lists I've been playing with lately so look for more Trolls in the next few weeks.