25 Point Tournament Practice

This coming weekend I am playing in a 25 point tournament so this past weekend I brought a 25 point Grim list to practice with. Here's what I had:

Grim Angus
+Dire Troll Blizter
+Troll Axer
+Troll Impaler
10 Pyg Bushwhackers
Fell Caller

I got in two games, one against Circle and one against Khador.

The Circle list had Kromac, a Warpwolf Stalker, a unit of Woldstalkers, and some more stuff that I don't remember. We were playing Killbox and I seriously underestimated the threat range on the Warpwolf while Kromac had Warpath up. The wolf got a charge on Grim in turn 2 and, with Wild Aggression giving it boosted hit rolls, cracked Grim's DEF 16.

Khador was an eVlad list with some Kayazy + UA, Doom Reavers +UA , 2 Manhuneters, and a Berserker. I was able to pick off most of the infantry by turn 2 and was in a great position hiding behind Grim's feat. I again underestimated some threat ranges and he managed to get a few Kayazy under Vlad's feat into combat with Grim. Between Transference and Hand of Fate they too were able to crack DEF 16 and put Grim down.

I did lost both games but I'm still feeling good about the list. Both times I was feeling comfortable and didn't have models between Grim and the enemy - clearly I'll need to be more careful. The Bushwhackers are a fun unit to use and are very versatile, as is Grim's battlegroup. I'm furiously painting Bushwhackers this week to hopefully get them done for the tournament.