Finished Greatsword and June Summary

I finished this guy yesterday but didn't get a chance to put the photos up. The last few bits got rushed because I was excited to get him done but overall I'm very pleased with the result.

I tried something new with the armour (I actually highlighted it after washing it with black and blue) that I like, although next time I'm going to give it a heavier wash of black.

The purple and yellow look really good together and I have a few ideas about how to make the purple look better highlighted.

The next Greatsword is sitting on my desk and he'll probably see some paint starting tomorrow.

Painting for Points
June was another bad month for me painting wise. I spent a long time grinding slowly through five Guardsmen that never got finished, and then painted the guy above in three days, for a total of one point. Overall I have 53 points for the year.

New Model Fund
I only had $9.91 to spend this month, but I spent more than that in an effort to try to get myself excited about the hobby again. I bought five Greatswords for $21.98, some purple paint for $7.00, and a metal Empire Captain for $13.25. My spending discipline was low this month but I did manage to get excited again so I suppose that's a good thing. My fund for July is $17.68, which will probably get me a box of State Troops or Crossbowmen if I ebay well.