Product Review - Dragon Forge Bases

Recently I've seen a lot of cool looking stuff people have been doing with resin bases and I wanted to give it a try. They're not hugely expensive in small doses so I figured I'd use them on some side projects I'm working on (the Deathwatch and Malifaux).

I've been following Jeff Wilhelm's blog for a while and liked what I saw so I took a look at his Dragon Forge store to see what interested me. I ended up buying two sets of 10 bases, one for each project.

what's left of my Forgotten Empire bases
I'm no expert on resin base pricing but these seem to be priced reasonably. Both of my sets are small bases and before shipping costs I was looking at 10 bases for 10 bucks. Not something I'd consider for a whole army but for little projects they're quite affordable.

Each time I ordered the bases arrived within a week. I can get impatient, especially when I'm excited by a new project (like this), so the fast shipping gives Dragon Forge a big star in my book. Dragon Forge doesn't charge much for this either (I think I paid 2.50) - even better.

Dragon Forge does bases in the three most common forms - square, round, and round lip. Some have more options than others (the square base line is a little thin). Each option has a variety of common sizes, some uncommon sizes, and sometimes even a heroic option. You'll probably be able to find what you're looking for and Jeff constantly adds new things.

Concrete Rubble bases

Again, I'm new to the resin base scene but these seem to be of excellent quality. The bases I've received had almost no flash on them and were not miscast at all. Some of the bases have a few air bubbles on the bottom but I'm not at all concerned about those - who sees the bottom of a base anyway?

I think what made me most happy with these bases is that they have a ton of usable space on them. A lot of other bases I've seen online are very complex and busy - they look fantastic but don't have much space to pose a model on them. Dragon Forge's bases don't have this problem but also don't sacrifice interesting details.

I've been very happy with my Dragon Forge bases thus far and if I find myself in the market for more I'll be looking at Dragon Forge first.