Forbidden Psalm

I built and painted this whole Forbidden Psalm warband in less than a month! I didn't want to paint them like a traditional army where they all had the same clothes so I used a limited palette to give them all some cohesiveness in a different way.

The giant knight is Alustan Nightbreaker from Reaper and the rest are kitbashes from the really incredible plastic Frostgrave and Oathmark kits by Northstar. The skeleton head man and the wizard lady are two that turned out really well. I had a strong vision of what they'd both look like and the models reflect that vision well.

The painting for the most part worked. I ran out of steam with the gnoll so he isn't great, I never know how to highlight metallics so the paladin's armor is a bit weird, and I wasn't able to pull off the glowing eyes and orb like I hoped.