Blood Angels Combat Squad

I haven't painted a space marine in ~13 years but I've been curious about the new (6 years new) Primaris models. 10th edition 40k just came out and I got excited about the Combat Patrol format and here we are.

The first two of these were a lot of fun but the final three were an incredible slog. I just couldn't summon the energy or motivation to paint the red armor. I think they came out really well and match what I'd hoped they'd look like but I also don't think I could paint more power armor again.

Red - GW Mephiston Red, GW Druchii Violet wash, Mephiston Red, GW Evil Sunz Scarlet, GW Wild Rider Red

Black - VMC Black, mix of VMC Black and VMC Basalt Gray, VMC Basalt Gray

White - VMC Black, VMA Pale Blue Gray, VGC Dead White

Metals - VMC Black, GW Leadbelcher, GW Nuln Oil

Green / Eyes - VMC Intermediate Green, GW Agrax Earthshade, VMC Light Green

Parchment - VGC Khaki, Agrax Earthshade, VGC Bone White

Base - Folk Art Raw Sienna, brown wash, Folk Art Camel