August Summary and Red Marine Photos

Painting for Points
This month the only model I finished was my Sons of Orar vet, which apparently I never posted finished photos of (see below for those). I don't feel very bad about only finishing one model this month since he's far and away the best model I've ever painted. I'm half done with the 5th and final Greatsword but that doesn't count. One more point brings me up to 57 for the year.

New Model Fund
August began with $58.84 in the fund. I spent $20.78 to buy some matte medium and drying retarder to start experimenting with mixing mediums into my paint to make it behave different (nothing much done yet but I have a few ideas). I have resisted the urge to buy Space Hulk since I don't have anyone to play it with, although I'll admit that I'm still wavering. August ended with $38.06, so September will begin with $69.03.

Since I didn't ever post finished photos of red marine, here he is (you can get larger views by clicking on any of the photos):