6mm Tanks and Helicopters

Two more tanks and four helicopters from Death Ray Designs. I've had these for a while and didn't know what to do with them. I've been excited about Flames of Orion lately and wanted to do something kind of punk-zine with the paint. The bright colors are stippled on to look like of like they'd been sprayed or painted haphazardly and I was loose with highlights. I think they turned out reall well and were a lot of fun.

Gray primer. Base coats of Vallejo Model Air Duraluminium, VMC Black, VMC Pink, VMC Light Green, or VMC Blue Violet. All washed with GW Druchii Violet.

Yellow details are white and GW Iyanden Yellow contrast. Gray was highlighted with VMC Basalt Gray and VMA Pale Blue Grey.

Lenses are VMC Medium Blue, VMC Andrea Blue, and VMC Deep Sky Blue, with a dot of white.

Base is Vallejo Earth Texture (Brown Earth), Folk Art Camel, and GW Reikland Flesh Shade.