March Summary

New Model Fund

This month started at the low, low mark of -$34.53. The Khador book came out this month along with the new Khador 'caster and I bought both since Khador is my faction. I resisted the urge to buy several other things for a while but then I played a game of Malifaux and it all went downhill.

I made 70ish dollars selling that stuff on ebay a few weeks ago and I'm going to turn it into my Malifaux fund. The money I'm spending on the book and models to get started will come out of that money until it is gone and not from my New Model Fund. The current 'Mali-fund' is $48.84.

April starts with a slightly improved -$31.26. The Greylord Escort UA for Doom Reavers comes out this month and that's the only Warmachine model I'd like to buy. I've got my eye on a few ebay auctions for Malifaux models on the cheap to keep those costs down and if I can stay focused and not buy anything else thing month I just might get myself out of the red.

Painting for Points

I had another good painting month in March. I got through the Great Bears, Strakhov, and three Doom Reavers for an additional 7 points! I'm up to 17 on the year and my Khador army is starting to have quite a few painted options.